MOVE is a registered non-profit organisation, founded in 2013 on the principle that there exists within each child a creative energy which must not lie dormant.
Until just a few generations ago, children used to inhabit the streets where they ran, jumped, danced, climbed and played. This is no longer the case as children today have stopped moving and their lives have become scheduled from dawn to dusk with no time to play.
MOVE works with children and young people coming from different walks of life. Our mission is to reignite the fire and inspire a healthier and happier future through play and creativity. This is achieved by a wide range of youth-led adventures, sports challenges and activities that introduce children and young people to the great outdoors.
Together MOVE works to overcome the barriers that stop young people from being active and thus create the right environment to increase participation in sports for the purpose of community development and social inclusion.
At MOVE we believe that innovation is more likely to happen within innovative spaces. Hence we’ve engineered our programmes to promote highly-engaging purposely-developed interactive activities to promote positive experiences, inspiring our future generations to be more physically active, and leading them from mental blocks to mental breakthrough