MOVE Week is an annual pan-European event and an integral part of the NowWeMOVE campaign. The objective of the MOVE Week is to promote the benefits of an active lifestyle and regular participation in sports and physical activities throughout Europe. A wide range of promoters of physical activity (MOVE Agents) coordinated events, including existing and new physical activities, for MOVE Week.
MOVE Week and the NowWeMOVE campaign are coordinated centrally by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) in collaboration with the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF). MOVE Week 2016 was financially supported by the European Union.
As part of this year’s Move Week, MOVE organised a sports day in Valletta for various schools in collaboration with the U.S Embassy in Malta. Distinguished guests, including the U.S Ambassador for Malta Ms. G Kathleen Hill, were invited to the kick off of the event which took place in Pjazza San Ġorġ.