In Between Buildings - Cities for Young People


In Between Buildings – Cities for Young People is a National Structured Dialogue, which local MOVE implemented over the past 2 years.

This initiative drew to a close with a seminar during which the findings of a survey carried out among youths aged between 13 and 17 years were presented to the Hon. Clifton Grima MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Sport Youth and Voluntary Organizations, within the Ministry of Education and Hon. Ryan Callus MP, Opposition Spokesperson for Youth, Sport & the Fight against Obesity. A dialogue, which brought together young people, policy-makers, and other stakeholders, all hailing from the spheres of youth, culture, education, sport Local Councils, and MCAST students, ensued, where those present discussed the importance of innovative spaces for young people in Malta.

The core of this 2-year initiative was a questionnaire in which young people had the opportunity to voice their concerns and suggest alternative and innovative leisure activities and spaces where they could spend their free time, especially during the weekend. The survey assessed the magnitude of innovative facilities and spaces young people could avail themselves of, evaluated any eventual lacunas, explored alternative spaces that would meet the needs of young people, and re-thought the entertainment facilities currently available for young people. With a more hands-on approach, the initiative utilised street sports as a tool to develop social cohesion and promote a new culture of entertainment for the younger and up-and-coming generations.

This National Structured Dialogue was financed through the Erasmus+ Programme.

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