For the past 3 years, MOVE, together with partners from Denmark, Lithuania, Greece and Italy, worked on an innovative project that promotes youth-led street sport for all.

Held yesterday, the project’s concluding event was an online conference about street sports with the main topics revolving around street sports for all as a tool for social inclusion and civic engagement through voluntarism. With the intent of inspiring other organisations, municipalities and institutions working with sports, social inclusion and voluntary activity, the five partners and the keynote speakers shared their experiences, expertise and good practices with participants from 35 countries in Europe and beyond.

Those attending the online conference were exposed to innovative ideas of how sports could be used in their respective communities as a platform for social change. They also had a sneak peek at the online toolbox of courses and drills that the five partners developed during the lifecycle of the project. The online toolbox, GAME Academy, is still under construction, but it can be accessed here.

If you missed the online conference or would like to watch it again, click here.

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